Novelties and premieres of ChemiCos&ChemiCosBeauty-2022

Novelties and premieres of ChemiCos&ChemiCosBeauty-2022

Novelties and premieres of the leading industry International specialized exhibition of professional and household chemistry, hygiene products and raw materials ChemiCos&ChemiCosBeauty spring 2022 invites you to Crocus Expo from March 22-24.


gertexGerteks – an effective and safe product for washing of white and color laundry

servisAerosol service – universal multifunctional penetrating grease – liquid wrench, air fresheners, universal repellent products for mosquitos, midges and ticks, insect acarycidal products ANTIKLESHCH



AER – fragrances for home ‘Fragrant Tag’


lonstinLonstin – antiseptic spray for hands


djiJM Trading – flip top lids for plastic bottles closure


Norvin – fresheners for toilet


rasterRASTER – liquid soap



Household chemistry and hygiene products will be also presented in halls 9 and 11 at the stands of B&B Family Company, DUTYBOX, ECORD, FERVERIKA, KIMAX, Lonstin, MatTek In Vitro Life  Science Laboratories, MeloMama, PROHIM, VIRIDI GROUP, АГАТ, АЕР, Alabino, Alfa Khim Group, Aerosol Service, Belaya manufaktura, BelEmsa, GERTEKS, JM Trading, ETS Group of Companies, Inotex, Interpolikhim, KEMAN, MEDLEXPROM, Mir dezinfektsii, MATSESTA TM natural cosmetics, SEAROSE TM Natural cosmetics, NORVIN, NIIPAV NPO,  PZPI, АО RAVAGO CHEMICALS RUS, RASTER, Solntse, Eco-Standard-K, EFKO Cosmetic, and others.


March 23, 2022


We invite you to take part in the first conference for producers of household chemistry and cosmetics


The program of the first industry conference, dedicated to the Russian and international markets of cosmetic products and household chemistry ‘Creation of demanded products in conditions of changing markets’. .

The event will take place on March 23, 2022 in the framework of the International exhibition of professional and household chemistry, hygiene products and raw materials ChemiCos&ChemiCosBeauty spring 2022  (Crocus Expo IEC, hall 9).

Participation in the conference is free after mandatory electronic registration.


Organizer for the conference: Mayer GK.

Coordinator of the conference: +7 (931) 342-48-78, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For questions on registration: +7 (495) 363-50-33, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.