Premieres and novelties of ChemiCos spring 2021 exhibition

Premieres and novelties of ChemiCos spring 2021 exhibition

We invite you to learn about premieres and novelties from the participants of the 4th international specialised exhibition of cosmetics, perfumery, personal care products, professional and household chemistry CHEMICOS spring 2021.


You may also take a look at the exhibitor list and brands to be showcased at their booths. The participants will present household chemistry, cosmetics, personal care products, raw materials for the production of household chemistry and cosmetics, as well as chemistry for industrial manufactures.

ACSens / WM Ingredients LLC (hall 9, booth P203)

DRC Group (hall 9, booth N102)

HaveMaster (hall 9, booth M303)

HOR (hall 9, booth P302)

August Inc. (hall 9, booth M506)

AERO-PRO (hall 9, booth М307)

Aerostar Contract (hall 9, booth N302)

GEM (hall 9, booth P501)

NORCHEM (hall 9, booth M305)

GREENFIELD RUS (hall 9, booth M401)

INTERSAN-plus (hall 9, booth M101)

Koelgamramor (hall 9, booth P204)

Novosibirsk Plant of Household Chemicals (hall 9, booth P205)

Research and production company PermHimProdukt (hall 9, booth P202)

PCC RUSSTYLE (hall 9, booth М105

Prombytkhim (hall 9, booth N201)

Rossinka (hall 9, booth P305)

SiD (hall 9, booth M303)

Tikkurila (hall 9, booth M505)

UniQ Cosmetic (hall 9, booth N101)

Useful links:

Visitor registration

Novelties and premieres of SPRING 2021

Business programme

Hotel accommodation

Working hours and location map

Brands from participants of SPRING 2021

Special terms for buyers