Prize-giving ceremony for winners of the Annual Industry Award to celebrate the leaders of the Russian chemical industry ChemiCos Unique

Prize-giving ceremony for winners of the Annual Industry Award to celebrate the leaders of the Russian chemical industry ChemiCos Unique

The Award is organised by Mayer Corporate Group with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The Award Council is headed by First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Sergej Cyb and Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Viktor Cherepov.

“In 2020 the Award is presented in the nominations ChemiCos Industry, ChemiCos Product and ChemiCos Persona. The participation of the nominees in the implementation of priority national projects, their achievement of a high level of competitiveness on the global markets and the development of a redistribution system of raw products into end products are highly appreciated. Special attention is paid to the issues of responsible production and consumption, the creation of high-end and sustainable products, the use of chemical waste and secondary processing” – commented member of the Award Council, Director of the Department of Chemical Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Orlov.

The best achievements in the sphere of the organisation of high-end, socially oriented and sustainable chemical manufactures were demonstrated in the nomination ChemiCos Industry by Norchem Limited, Procter & Gamble Distributing Company LLC and BioMicroGels LLC.

Technologies and innovations with a high importance for ensuring the internal needs of the country, developing a stable demand on external markets and maintaining the environmental sustainability and the people’s health were presented in the nomination ChemiCos Product by Tikkurila LLC, Loren-Cosmetic LLC, Arnest JSC, Rossinka LLC and RBR Trade LLC.

“The fundamental basis for the development of the chemical industry, biotechnologies, the perfumery and cosmetics industry is unconditional professionalism and the desire for perfection possessed by the laureates if the nomination ChemiCos Persona – general director of Stupino Chemical Plant Vasily Gavrikov, general director of the Research Institute of Organic Technology, Inorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology Vladimir Oliskevich and scientific director of L’Oréal Russia Ekaterina Chepurina”, - noted Co-Chairperson of the Award Council, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Viktor Cherepov.

“The results of the Award show the responsiveness to innovations and the actual contribution of the chemical industry enterprises to ensuring the technological independence of the country and the implementation of priority national projects of the Russian Federation. ChemiCos Unique Award is an indicator of changes in the chemical industry of the Russian Federation: the increase of R&D activities of the enterprises, the growth of economic and ecological sustainability, the development and transfer of breakthrough technologies in the convergence of chemistry, physics, biology, information and cognitive sciences, the adjustment of approaches to industrial design and the adoption of the systems of quality management and relevant standards.

The Prize of the Award – ChemiCos Unique statuette symbolizes the complexity of chemical processes and the speed of technological changes of the modern world order”, - commented member of ChemiCos Unique Award Council, director of the Scientific and Technical Centre “CHIMVEST” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vladimir Savchuk.

The laureates were congratulated by Co-Chairpersons and members of ChemiCos Unique Award Council - First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Sergej Cyb, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Viktor Cherepov, Head of the Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Halidya Hamidulina, Executive Director of the Association of Perfumery, Cosmetics, Household Chemicals and Hygienic Goods Manufacturers Petr Bobrovsky, general director of the Research Institute for Household Chemistry “ROSSA” Natalia Divakova and President of Mayer Corporate Group Elena Milyaeva.


Welcome address of First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairperson of ChemiCos Unique Award Council Sergej Cyb and Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Co-Chairperson of ChemiCos Unique Award Council, Viktor Cherepov to the laureates of the Annual Industry Award to celebrate the leaders of the Russian chemical industry ChemiCos Unique





Zavod sintanolov LLC

For highly efficient and socially responsible organisation of production, development of safe and sustainable (“green”) surfactants for ensuring the needs of the Russian chemical industry in the nomination ChemiCos Industry


Procter & Gamble Distributing Company LLC

For active work connected to the implementation of environmental programmes “Zero manufacturing waste to waste management facilities”, ensuring of the industrial and ecological safety, organisation and participation in social and charity programmes in the nomination ChemiCos Industry


BioMicroGels LLC and Wonder Lab brand

For the development and production of the unique technology for the application of modified colloidal polysaccharide solutions in household chemical products in the nomination ChemiCos Industry


Tikkurila LLC and Euro Smart 2 brand

For the development and production of safe and sustainable products (interior paints for the ceiling and walls) in the nomination ChemiCos Product


Loren-Cosmetic LLC and MORIKI DORIKI brand

For the development and production of innovative body and hair care products, created for children from natural ingredients from renewable and sustainable raw materials in the nomination ChemiCos Product


Rossinka LLC and Rossinka brand

For the development and production of dishwasher gel from raw materials of plant origin allowing the reduction of ecological and toxicological pressure while maintaining maximum washing properties in the nomination ChemiCos Product


Arnest JSC and products of Septima brand

For the development and ensuring of constant production of an innovative line of disinfectants for hands, air and surfaces to combat the spread of bacteria and viruses (including the coronavirus infection) in the nomination ChemiCos Product


RBR Trade LLC and HÖR brand

For active public stance and socially significant activities ensuring the procurement of sanitary and hygienic equipment and disinfectants (DE-006A sensory dispenser with contactless dispersion for a wide variety of applications, made in Russia) in the nomination ChemiCos Product


General director of Stupino Chemical Plant Vasily Gavrikov

For significant contribution to the development of the Russian chemical industry and long-standing work in the nomination ChemiCos Persona


Research Institute of Organic Technology, Inorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology and general director and candidate of technical sciences Vladimir Oliskevich  personally

For the scientific development of original synthesis technologies of a wide spectrum of cosmetic components and ingredients of household chemical products, innovative household and industrial detergents based on the principles of “green chemistry” in the nomination ChemiCos Persona


Scientific director of L’Oréal Russia  Ekaterina Chepurina  

For significant contribution to the development of the perfumery and cosmetic industry, the development of the legal framework, scientific research and innovations in the nomination ChemiCos Persona