Research and production company PermHimProduct to present its products at ChemiCos-2020 exhibition

Research and production company PermHimProduct to present its products at ChemiCos-2020 exhibition

NPF Permhimproduct (hall 9, booth No P202) will take part in the International exhibition of household chemistry ChemiCos-2020 for the first time. NPF Permhimproduct will showcase CLEANITT disinfectant intended for disinfection, cleaning and bleaching of sinks, toilets, acrylic and enamel baths, shower cabins, glazed tiles, ceramic surfaces, sanitary porcelain, kitchen ovens, floors and walls.


Key properties:

    • removal of soap specks, stains, fat-and-oil stains, atmospheric and soil stains;
    • removal of moulds from all solid surfaces;
    • cleaning;
    • bleaching;
    • biodegradability;
    • destruction of bacteria, viruses, fungi and fungal spores.




Founded in 1998, NPF Permhimproduct is one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality and safe professional technical detergents, and household chemicals for industrial enterprises in different sectors of the economy (oil industry, engineering, agriculture, food industry, etc.)

                     permhim logo 

Learn more about the novelties of HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY and schedule a meeting –


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Press release of ChemiCos-2020

Business programme and registration for the Forum

Hotel accommodation

March 24-26, 2020, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11


We are looking forward to seeing you at СhemiCos 2020 – the leading international exhibition of household and professional chemistry!