Raw materials for household chemistry and perfume and cosmetic compositions from the Scientific and Research Institute for Technologies of Organic and Non-Organic Chemistry and Biotechnologies, LLC at ChemiCos-2020

Raw materials for household chemistry and perfume and cosmetic compositions from the Scientific and Research Institute for Technologies of Organic and Non-Organic Chemistry and Biotechnologies, LLC at ChemiCos-2020

The Scientific and Research Institute for Technologies of Organic and Non-Organic Chemistry and Biotechnologies, LLC will present a wide range of in-house manufactured products at its booth within the framework of the international exhibition ChemiCos-2020.

During the three days of the running of the exhibition manufacturers of household chemistry, perfumes and cosmetics will have a chance to learn more about:

  • Sustainable cleaning agents and detergents with a unique combination of properties aimed at decreasing the negative environmental and human health impact.
  • High purity magnesium chloride to be used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, as well as a component of cosmetic products. 
  • Menthol to be used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, as well as a component of cosmetic products.
  • Chemically precipitated chalk as a component of cosmetic products.
  • Silica as a component of cosmetic products.

The Scientific Research Institute for Technologies of Organic and Non-Organic Chemistry and Biotechnologies, LLC  conducts scientific and research works aimed at the development of technologies for the manufacture of a wide range of low-tonnage chemistry products. The company has its own pilot production facitilties which allows to manufacture not only separate components of household chemistry, perfumes, cosmetics and medical cosmetological products, but also ready consumers products. The accreduted experimental centre guarantees the high quality of products.


Learn more about the novelties and schedule a meeting – www.expo-retail.ru


Purchasing Centre for Retail ChainsТМ

Press release of ChemiCos-2020

Business programme and registration for the Forum

Hotel accommodation


March 24-26, 2020, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

We are looking forward to seeing you at СhemiCos 2020 – the leading international exhibition of household and professional chemistry!