The results of the annual award in the sphere of consumer chemistry and cosmetics ChemicCos Unqiue

The results of the annual award in the sphere of consumer chemistry and cosmetics ChemicCos Unqiue

The results of the award have been announced within the framework of the plenary session of the 2nd International scientific and expert forum “Resources for Growth. Chemistry for Life: State and Business”.

83 27 02   итоги премии ChemiCos Unique html 26b096cbb30d0f76The annual award in the sphere of consumer chemistry ChemiCos Unique was established in 2018 at the initiative of Russian manufacturers of household chemistry, cosmetics and personal care products with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The objective of the award is to promote the best manufactures and employees of the Russian industry of consumer chemistry who create products that meet the highest quality standards, are safe for humans and the environment and meet or surpass their foreign counterparts with their consumer properties.


In the nomination ChemiCos Industry. For advances in the sphere of sustainable development.

the award went to GROUP OF COMPANIES “TITAN”

For implementation of the corporate voluntary programme “Kind Titan”


In the nomination ChemiCos Industry. Production and technology

the award went to BIAXPLEN LLC / SIBUR Holding PJSC

For implementation of the project in the sphere of import substitution of raw components and development of own special chemistry technologies Masterbatch

In the nomination ChemiCos Product. Green brand

the award went to STUPINO CHEMICAL PLANT

For implementation of GREEN LOVE project

In the nomination ChemiCos Unique Product. Market leader

the award went to Nefco JSC

For BiMAX laundry detergents(powdery and liquid)

In the nomination ChemiCos Product. Innovative product

the award went to FABERLIC PJSC

For product group Faberlic Expert Skin Activator

In the nomination ChemiCos Persona. For long-standing work

the award went to the Research Institute for Household Chemistry “ROSSA”

Co-chairpersons of the award Sergej Cyb and Viktor Cherepov, Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Irina Bragina, Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Anton Shalaev, Head of the Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Halidya Hamidulina, Head of the Russian Quality System Maksim Protasov, Chairperson of the Retail Companies Association Presidium Sergey Belyakov and President of the Russian Chemists Union Viktor Ivanov took part in the prize-giving ceremony.

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Reference information

The Forum is organized with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Mayer Corporate Group, the Russian Chemists Union, the Scientific and Technical Center “CHIMVEST” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Research Institute for Household Chemistry “ROSSA”, the Retail Companies Association and the Association of perfumery, cosmetics, household chemicals and hygienic goods manufacturers.

Expoforum Press Service