Premieres from La mamma at ChemiCos-2020

Premieres from La mamma at ChemiCos-2020

La mamma company will be taking part in the International exhibition of household chemistry, personal care products and cosmetics ChemiCos-2020 (Crocus Expo IEC, March 24-26) for the first time.


The company will present products of one of its brands La mamma at its booth – foaming hand wash and antibacterial washing capsules.

La mamma products are manufactured by Whealthfields Lohmann chemical corporation at factories in Germany, Japan, China and South Korea.

More information about the company La mamma.


La mamma washing capsules are powerful agents against odours and have an antibacterial effect (kill staphylococcus)



La mamma foaming hand wash easily gets into skin pores and cleans significantly better than other agents.


March 24-26, 2020, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion 2, halls 9, 10 and 11

We are looking forward to seeing you at СhemiCos 2020 – the leading international exhibition of professional and household chemistry!