Issues of the development of raw material base for the production of chemical plant protection agents were discussed within the framework of ChemiCos 2020 exhibition

Issues of the development of raw material base for the production of chemical plant protection agents were discussed within the framework of ChemiCos 2020 exhibition

The meeting on the development of raw material base for the production of chemical plant protection agents took place on September 17, 2020, at Crocus Expo IEC within the framework of the III International specialised exhibition of professional and household chemistry, cosmetics, personal care products, raw materials, ingredients and packaging ChemiCos-2020 and the International Scientific Expert Forum “Resources for Growth. Chemistry for Life: State and Business”.

The event was attended by deputy head of division of the Department of Chemical Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexei Krupskyi, Executive Director of the Russian Union of Chemical Plant Protection Manufacturers Vladimir Alginin, General Director of Schelkovo Agrohim – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Salis Karakotov, Director of Mendeleev Engineering Centre of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Ratmir Dashkin, Exectutive Director of Technological Platform “BioTech2030 Alina Osmakova, Deputy General Director for Development and Investments of FSE “Plant named after Y.M. Sverdlov” A.V. Smirnov, General Director of Production Association “TOS” Konstantin Pyankov, Director for Business Development of Norchem Limited Maxim Matveev and representatives of JSC “Spetskhmiya”, Metadinea Metafrax Group, Titan Group of Companies, Zirax LLC, Agentstvo Plodorodiya (Soil Fertility Agency) LLC, Kemerov JSC “Azot” and others.


Executive Director of the Russian Union of Chemical Plant Protection Manufacturers Vladimir Alginin started with a brief speech on the prospects for the development of active substance manufactures on the territory of the Russian Federation. He noted the positive dynamics of the industry development, but at the same time pointed out the presence of high import dependence, the necessity for a complex systematic and administrative support and the development of a target state programme aimed at the creation of own manufactures of active substances which are in demand on the internal market and have export potential.

The initiative of the Russian Union of Chemical Plant Protection Manufacturers on the development of a complex state programme including the development of technologies, detection of raw material sources and intermediates and attraction of financial means was supported by general director of Schelkovo Agrohim.


In his speech Academician Karakotov emphasized that the current situation undeniably creates serious risks for the development sustainability of agricultural production in the country and shared the data revealing the potential of import substitution of active substances in the Russian Federation. Mr. Karakotov expressed his readiness to provide the technologies, on bentazon in particular, and the scientific research of Schelkovo Agrohim in order to expand the current manufactures of intermediates and create new ones.

The final speech was made by Ratmir Dashkin, Director of Mendeleev Engineering Centre of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Mr. Dashkin focused on the development of low-tonnage chemistry in Russia, noted the wide variety of uses for low-tonnage chemistry and the viability of creating a digital system allowing to analyze the total consumption volume, including related industrial sectors, the pharmaceutical industry in particular.

In his speech he directed the attention of the participants of the meeting to the advantages of creating a network module system of low-tonnage production which will allow to adapt an enterprise to fast implementation of a new technology or the expansion of a product range matrix.


Within the framework of the discussion, the participants of the meeting stressed the necessity to eliminate double certification of export products, the refinement of risk profiles as a means of fighting “grey import” and noted a lack of qualified personnel.


Taking into account the constantly expanding sanctions against Russia, the director of Mendeleev Engineering Centre of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology suggested to create a list of low-tonnage products that have strategic value for the national food safety and consider the creation of an appropriate state reserve.


Summarizing the results of the discussion, deputy head of division of the Department of Chemical Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexei Krupskyi noted one more time that a prerequisite for the development of a stable production of chemical plant protection agents for the Russian Federation and the expansion of export supplies is the development of own production of active substances. Mr. Krupskyi emphasized that the provided information was very informative and invited the participants of the meeting to continue mutual work and maintain constant communication.


Following the meeting, a decision has been made to study the possibilities of establishing the production of import substitution components of chemical plant protection agents at the facilities of existing chemical enterprises, including FSE “Plant named after Y.M. Sverdlov”, Titan Group of Companies, Metadinea Metafrax Group and Norchem Group of Companies.